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I'm Rohan.

a programmer.

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I'm a Software Engineer and a Tech Enthusiast. I started my journey with learning C++ and that was the moment I fell in love with Programming.

My Skills.



I love to be creative with my Designs. I've designed mockups for several Web and Android Applications. I like to keep things simple as it's the best approach "#ALWAYS!"



I've Proficient knowledge of different programming languages such as:- C, C++, Python etc. I always try to build Software Systems which leads towards the mutual growth and development of the organization by utilizing best of my skills.

Get In Touch

I’m always happy to help and contribute ❤

Check out my Github Profile to see my Project Work. I’m currently available for freelance work!! If you have a project that you want to get started, think you need my help with something or just fancy saying hey, then get in touch.

"Let's build some Awesome Apps Together!!"
My Skills + Your Project == 😍🤩

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